Realistic approach to having Motivation and being grateful.

Many of us try to stay motivated. The truth is it’s not always easy to stay motivated. Especially during this pandemic, trying to be motivated and not be fearful of what might happen the next day is not easy. This is because we train our mind to think that we are unable to do the particular task. Nothing is impossible to do if we train our mind correctly. Currently, many private industries are going out of business and the unemployment rate is increasing in the world. With all these uncertainties happening all around the world, people are becoming more negative. How does one manage to stay positive and have the mindset of gratitude? Let’s be real no matter what tough lessons life throws at one. It takes efforts from within to maintain a positive outlook and keep the confidence level high.

If you are interested in reading the full article, Please visit the following link.

Realistic approach to having Motivation and being grateful.


Pavithrah. Tharmaseelan


#blogging, #happiness, #inspiration, #journal, #life, #lifestyle, #motivation

The Promise

#life, #promise



My Happiness List

My inspiration for My Happiness List is from the blog Lauren’s Latest.  If you haven’t yet, check out Lauren’s blog.  She and her family just moved from Idaho to New York and I love reading about her exciting new city life!

Here is a list of a few items that make me the happiest.  Honestly, I could have written more but tried to keep it to my ultimate favorites.

Click the link below to read all about my favorite foods, the things I love to do, and the places I always want to visit…

#blog, #blogger, #blogging, #happy, #life, #wordpress

Back to Blogging

Hey everyone!

Because of some personal commitments I could not post much in all these days. But it looks great to be back to blogging.

So, sharing with you my new post- “If the night were day”. Please leave your feedback. Thanks!

#backtoblogging, #blogging, #day, #life, #new, #night, #sparshsehgal, #wordpress

Can we be in two places at once?

Yes, of course we can
Enjoy. Do you agree? I’d love to get your feedback on this post.
#dailydiscussions #daily-living #heart #life #everydayinspiration #feedback #beliefs #blogging #bloggingmeetup #blog


Hi everyone, hope you had a great weekend. Have you ever been rejected by someone? How did you take it? Head over to my blog to check my latest post on rejection. Feel free to leave your comments.

#determination, #inspiration, #life, #value


Hello everyone, i hope you’re all having a great time. Have you heard of a 6 year old Football enhusiast, Bradley Lowery who died recently as a result of cancer? Kindly read a little write-up i did on him, concerning how we can still impact the world with our pain.

#inspiration, #life, #pain

Discovering Purpose

Stop thinking about talking to God and start talkin to him.

Goo morning.

#blog, #christian, #good-morning, #gospel, #life, #prayer, #purpose


Hi, have you ever been friends with somone and at a point in time, they become total strangers to you? Check out my latest post on losing people.

#inspiration, #life, #losing-people, #loss, #motivation, #people