Blogging By Outline


I thought you might be interested in this. Earlier, I posted a query on how to blog quickly and efficiently in one sitting. I’ve got a little bit of an answer (word limit), which I have modified a little to be a strict outline form. Here’s the basic idea:

Catchy Title
Main Point
Allegory or Anecdote to include
Relevant verse(s) (fewer is better)

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3


Song to link to
Pix to use

I’m finding that this is forcing me to be concise and take less time composing. I research/journal to the outline point, and then switch to WordPress to expand on the outline. (Actually, I start with my journal and iPad, and then add links and pictures from the laptop – later in the day even is do-able.)

WordPress on the iPad can be a little flaky (doesn’t autosave, for example), so I’m careful.


Hope you find this of interest!

#blogging, #general, #inspiration, #journal