Feedback Loop

Just wondering if people enjoyed those weekly round-ups that I was putting together earlier this year and into the summer months.

I have kind of gotten away from it as there was a small breakdown in my process and I have yet to fix it. However, I am willing to fire it up again if people found it interesting or engaging… Thoughts?


Just updated the homepage/landing page…

Just updated the homepage/landing page of the Blogging Meetup. Let me know what you think?


In a quest to help…

In a quest to help promote peoples content, starting TODAY we will be randomly sharing members posts from the prior week. #bloggingmeetup

If you are not sure we have your right social media information (e.g., Twitter, Facebook), I would encourage you to fill out the Registration form again so then your records are up to date.

Finally, if you would prefer that Blogging Meetup doesn’t share your content on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus then us know and we will remove you from the list.



Survey Results – Blogging Platform

Thanks to everyone who took the survey that was running for the past two weeks around what Blogging Platform you use.

The results are interesting but not shocking by any means, here goes:
40% – Self Hosted (i.e., not hosted on
35% – (Free Edition)
25% – (Paid Versions)
0% – Other

I think I would have thought there were more Free Editions out there but I am guessing people pay for a domain name or something smaller like that via What does everyone else think?

Survey Time!

I am a curious person so I thought I would throw out a Survey and see what most people are using for their blogging platforms these days.  I am guessing most of you are using some form of WordPress so that is what it is mostly geared towards but I added “Other” just in case.


It’s the first Wordless Wednesday of December! So if you haven’t posted in a while try just posting a photo of how you feel and leave a link to your post in the comments below!

Pro tip – Find out what the photo challenge of the week is at the Daily Post and create a pingback link to that site as well as here!

#wordlesswednesday #bloggingmeetup #announcements #daily-prompt

It’s Wordless Wednesday again! So…

It’s Wordless Wednesday again! So if you haven’t posted in a while try just posting a photo of how you feel and leave a link to your post in the comments below!

#wordlesswednesday #bloggingmeetup #announcements #daily-prompt

New Feature – Member Posts

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Have you ever wanted to browse through the most recent posts of our members?  Wished there was a nice list that keeps updating itself throughout the day with all of our member’s most recent posts, almost like an extension of the Bloggers Index?  I know a lot of you are really good about posting your newest posts on the site for feedback or when you are seeking answers to things.  Then there are others of you who are active on the site but probably don’t always put your own out there.

Well, that list has now been created!  It is a little project I have been working on for some time but never found the time to put it all together until now.  You can see in the sidebar the most recent 20 Member posts or you can follow this link to see the past week (  Ongoing you will be able to access it in the top menu bar titled Member Posts.

Finally, if look around and don’t see that your blog is showing up let me know and I will make sure your site is added to the list.

So what do you think?

My one disclaimer is that from my testing over the last 48 hrs, it seems that the feed on the Blogging Meetup site only updates every hour.  However, if you want to see more real-time information or search blogs by specific keywords you can access the site I host that generates the list (


Congratulations on 1 year!

I actually can’t believe it… Today marks the day that The Blogging Meetup is now one year old. I couldn’t be more excited how it has grown and brought people together from all around the world.


In fact, I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you (all 383 registered users as of today) for whatever amount of contribution you have made to the continued success of this site.  Even if you aren’t posting or chatting it up in the Community Chat you might just be a passive reader of the blogs listed on the site and then make sites/connections through their site. It is because of all of you that WE are still here today, as I said from the beginning and I will quote it here:

“This is super important and probably should have been said at the beginning but I don’t want to be considered the owner of this because that is not my intention. What I really want is this to be a community-driven site by the members.”

That statement is still as true to me today as it was a year ago when I wrote it and for good reason. I knew that for some of us “life” just gets in the way and I am one of those people. I was super active in this community early on and for a good chunk of time until about December 2016 when “life” got busy. I could tell you lots of reasons why I thought that happened but heck, it happens to all of us right?  That is why I believed the only way this site would survive is if we have a community feel and that community could be active on it’s own. Even though I have not been as actively posting or prompting in the past couple of months I still browse the comments and click read a new posts from people I am not actively following.

Well, enough about me and back to the community! One year, I am still really stoked about that accomplishment and I hope each and every one of you are as well. I know there is things we could do better or have great visions of for this community but it will come. The one thing I have learned over the last year is that it doesn’t all need to happen right away and maybe it will someday or maybe it won’t. Now with that said, if there is something you are hoping could change or you personally would even like to change about The Blogging Meetup let me know. Post it in the comments below, include me in a post of your own on this site, direct message me on Twitter or you can just email me at

I can’t wait to see what plays out in this next year but trust me I am looking forward posting something similar when we are 2 years old :).  Again, I would love to hear what you have to say or think as I am committed to having this place around for as long as people want it.  I paid for another year of the domain name and will continue to do so until the lights shut off.

One final note of appreciation goes out to @amandaowen2015, as she took an early interest in this project and has helped to do a lot of the admin work for it’s continued success.  It looks like we did do something right as it is still kicking along!


Like, Follow, Share Challenge for the week of 11/28

I don’t have a real good excuse as to why I haven’t done this in a while but here we go again.  Check out the 5 new blogs to Like, Follow, and Share. Check it out and connect! If you are not sure what it is all about feel free to read about it here.

A Geek’s Eye View@cascatanerina

The Light Breaks Through@revheadpin

Live Each Day Like its Your Last – @rialakhani

Thought bubble@alexxxrose

Plexius – @plexius

#likefollowshare, #announcements