Hello my friends and to my fellow Swifties out there. I wrote a review on Taylor’s surprise album folklore which I think is her greatest album to date.

Click the link to view my full review Folklore: Taylor Swift’s Greatest Album

Have a great day everyone.

#blogging, #entertainment, #folklore, #music, #new-post, #swiftie, #taylor-swift, #writing

Weekly Writing Prompt 28.10.2019: Rainy Days

This weeks’ writing prompt is: Rainy days.

Write a post about the prompt idea, be as creative as you like!

Please feel free to share the link to your prompt post in the comments!

#blog, #blogging, #ideas, #weekly-writing-prompts, #writing, #writing-prompt

What’s the lousiest part of speech?

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#composition, #grammar, #parts-of-speech, #prepositions, #writing

Do we care about how we write?

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#attitude, #caring, #strategies, #writing, #writing-attitude, #writing-cooperative


Do a Guest Post on Gigantic Thought Bubble and reach wider audience 😊

Gigantic Thought Bubble

So right now I’m still on my writer’s block streak. Apparently, I still can’t get myself to write about anything interesting right now but maybe you guys can.
Do you have something you’d like to share that I can also share on this blog? Maybe you guys want to do a guest post. This is a great way to promote your cause or share your story. Well, if you do just click thislink, fill it out and I’ll send you the details 😊

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#bloggers, #blogging, #guest-post, #wordpress, #writers, #writing

Sunday Pause (Paws): A Pause for Healing

It’s Sunday! A time for kicking back, relaxing and taking a break from it all.

I am going to keep this post short & sweet. Our family is going through something right now. It is a sad time for us. I do plan to share about it in an upcoming “Tuesday Tale.” So basically…

Read full post here.

#animals, #pet-photos, #pets, #relax, #wordpress, #writing

Composing posts in less time, one sitting- how?

Hi all,

I’m finding that it’s taking too long to put a post together, which is resulting in having to break away in the middle. When I get back to it, I’ve lost the (whatever you call it, inspiration?) for the idea. 

Wondering how you all “practice” blogging so that the post actually gets (researched, outlined, written)?


#blogging, #creative-writing, #inspiration, #writing

How to pick the right religion

Which religion is right for you?
#dailydiscussions #religion #feedback #writing #christianity #traditional #likefollowshare #family #culture #happiness #blogging #bloggingmeetup #bloggersmeetup

How to write better.

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#authors, #blog-posts, #blogging, #diary, #faulkner, #hemingway, #journal, #love-stories, #nonfiction, #notebook, #novels, #passion, #personal-notes, #quotes, #short-stories, #vocabulary, #wordpress, #words, #writing

5 writing rules from C.S. Lewis

It’s great to return to the BMU.  I have missed reading y’alls stuff and posting mine.

Hope you like the post today. These rules are tried and true for any writer who wants to write better.  Enjoy . . .

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#c-s-lewis, #help, #learn-to-write-better, #publishing, #the-joy-of-writing, #writing, #writing-rules