#yesterdaybest long time yesterday ago…

#yesterdaybest long time yesterday ago I posted this poem #Praise https://donnamaria.org/2018/10/12/praise-acrostic-poem/

#yesterdaybest Yesterday I made a…

Yesterday I made a notebook to note the lyrics of songs I love as I was told by my music teacher and I spent two hours straight listening to music and writing songs. It was the happiest moment of yesterday. 🙂

#yesterdaybest Day late but not…

#yesterdaybest Day late but not a dollar short. My neighbor came over and for no reason besides his “being bored” started to weed my veggie garden. Turned a horrible job into fun through sharing stories of childhood.

Yesterday’s best happened Saturday

My wonderful, Godly son-in-law, Danny scored four tickets to the Southeastern Conference Championship Game in Atlanta (Alabama whipped Florida like a red-headed step-child 54-16.) I’ve been a huge Alabama fan since 1971. Leah and I had great seats in the nosebleed section where we could take in the entire playing field. Leah and I had fantastic father-daughter time for half the day. Couldn’t ask for a better Monday on Saturday.

Getting to know you

Yesterday I cultivated a cell phone friendship with a fellow blogger in my area. We have several important things in common as we trek through the bloggosphere together. When I say “my area” she’s still an hour away, but, in Atlanta one hour away is like down the street in most towns.
Do you have fellow bloggers in yourarea? Sometimes it’s hard to tell because lots of bloggers don’t hand out their location . That’s understandable. And safe. But my blogging buddy and I had friendship-building conversation and we’ll continue in some ways outside the bloggosphere. To me, that’s one of the real blessings about blogging on the BMU. It’s always fun to meet other bloggers personally. Yesterday was fun for me.

Chatting with a dear friend…

Chatting with a dear friend

Yesterday I got a call from one of my dearest friends who moved out of state a year ago. We always have such spirited conversations and talk about the Lord and what God is doing in our lives.
He is such an inspiration to me and I always look forward to our conversations.
He inspired my Marvelous Monday and was definitely the best thing that happened to me yesterday,

Taking Labor Day Off

Since I no longer work (at a job) I was grateful yesterday that I didn’t have to get up today and go to work. Oh, I labored, like I do every day, but Monday’s labor was full of fun, good reading, no mail, and basking in the glow of Alabama’s stunning demolishing of USC. Yesterday I also basked in the glow of Texas’ victory over Notre Dame.

Roll Tide

You’ll see that a lot from me during our football season in the South.
<H3Have a Terrific Tuesday Everyone


I’m grateful today for God’s teachable moments

The best thing that happened to me Monday were the teachable moments God revealed to me. The biggest of which were teachable moments for my patience and my tongue and mind.

Yesterday I prepared for a…

Yesterday I prepared for a big day on the BMU

I’m thrilled to be part of a new BMU feature. Soon I’ll be sharing writing tips for us bloggers on Tuesdays.
#yesterdaybest #bloggingmeetup #blogging #blog #bloggingu #blog #everydayinspiration #inspiration #dailydiscussions #challenge

Yesterday Best

This prompt comes to us every Tuesday from @stevesaw.

How did your Monday go?  Anything great happen?  Did anyone pay it forward?  Maybe you paid it forward.  Whatever good may have happened, we want to hear and talk about it.

What was the best thing that happened to you yesterday?

Write 25-50 words ONLY here in the comment thread.  Part of the challenge is to stretch your writing by limiting your word count to describe your positive event.  Can’t wait to read your response!
